Driveable Lego Car: Hot Rod Made of 500,000 Blocks Can Reach Speeds of 18 MPH Running on Air (VIDEO)

A group of entrepreneurs has designed and built a hot rod that can actually drive which obviously doesn't sound too impressive until you learn that rather than metal, the car is made out of 500,000 Lego blocks... oh, and it runs on air.

Australian entrepreneur Steve Sammartino and Romanian self-taught engineer Raul Oaida designed and built the car, known as Super Awesome Microproject to be able to reach a top speed of 18 miles per hour. Although that sounds small, it's possible it's the fastest Lego car in the world (and also the slowest since this model is so very unique and might stand alone).

The car was built in Romania and delivered to a location in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, where the car was test-driven, according to reports from the inventor's website.

"We were scared of a Lego explosion so we drove it slowly," the inventors said on their site.

The car is not just a regular vehicle with a Lego shell on the outside. The engine was build of Legos as well, containing "four orbital engines and a total of 256 pistons." Only the tires and some load bearing elements have been made of materials that aren't Lego.

The duo met when Sammartino accepted a Skype request from Oaida, who was interested in meeting an astronaut whom Sammartino knew, according to reports from the Daily Mail.

"I'm teaching him about business and he's teaching me a bit about physics. It's a really nice mash-up," Sammartino said.

This is the duo's second great Lego project. In late 2011 they sent a small space shuttle made out of Lego blocks into space, allowing it to reach an altitude of about 35,000 meters above the Earth.

Sammartino went on to say that this project is "proof-of-concept of environmentally-friendly equipment," adding "What really matters in the world now isn't so much the new technology. It's people having access to the technology. It's about people using their imagination to put things together in ways that people haven't thought of before. That's where the real power is."

Check out the test drive video below and tell us what you think of the Lego car.