Mark Zuckerberg Hosting Q&A on June 14th's Facebook Live

Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg will be hosting a public Q&A on June 14th's Facebook Live.

The social media giant exec announced the planned session next week on his Facebook page. The said event will be aired on the social networking site's Live feature that enables users to broadcast live video feeds. The session is scheduled to start at 11:30am (Pacific Time). So far, no time limit has been announced. He said that he's likely to answer comments or questions that generated the most number of likes. Zuckerberg is quite media shy although he said that often conducts town halls whenever he travels including the some at various Facebook headquarters around the world.

"Now with Live I can hear from more of our community at once and it's a lot more interactive. We can cover all the big areas you're interested in - connecting the world, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, live video, entrepreneurship, philanthropy and more," said Zuckerberg as quoted by CBC.

In another Zuckerberg related news, the billionaire dad and tech mogul worth $51 billion had his Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest accounts (which he rarely used except for Facebook) hacked recently by a group called OurMine.

"Hey @finkd (Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter handle) we got access to your Twitter & Instagram & Pinterest, we are just testing your security, please dm (direct message) us. You were in LinkedIn Database with the password 'dadada'!" the group's message said as quoted by NBC News.

The group's Twitter has since been suspended. Its secondary Twitter account, @OurMineTeam43, however, said that it was just trying to tell the Facebook exec regarding the security flaw.

According to ARS Technica, LinkedIn's 2012 security breach seriously damaged the company's reputation after the theft of millions of user information including account passwords. At the time, users were advised to change their LinkedIn passwords and avoid reusing same ones on other sites.

Mark zuckerberg, Facebook, Livestream, Executive, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest