God Of War 4 News and Updates: Older, Bearded, Axe Wielding Kratos To Woo In Sony's Next

New God of War gameplay trailer that Sony showed off at E3 has received rave reviews, with over 2.5 million watching it in just 24 hours.

The trailer starts with an older, bearded Kratos-like character asking a young boy to hunt some deer for food. The boy calls the older man father. The duo encounter monsters and what could be a troll which Kratos brings down stunningly with his axe after experiencing Spartan Rage. The gameplay is markedly different from those of previous God of War games.

God of War was based on Greek mythology and saw Kratos take on Olympian Titans including Zeus. Sony's latest GoW is set in a different world, possibility Norse as rumors have suggested. Earlier reports had shown images which now look like they were leaked from the game's renders. If true, Sony must have weaved an elaborate plot to fit Kratos into Norse mythology.

Fans discussing the trailer are exciting to see Kratos back. Many joyfully remarked about changes in Kratos' character; from brimming with blind rage to being a nuanced father teaching son about the world around. In the trailer, Kratos teaches the boy to shoot and kill.

"It's just nice to see Kratos experience an emotion other than blind rage. Actual character development and motivation from Kratos? Sign me up," wrote one Reddit user.

Excited fans are also discussing the meaning of runes shown in the game even as they speculate about the identity of the boy. Some have suggested he could be a demigod, perhaps Thor, who Kratos trains. Others wonder how an older Kratos arrived in Norse land. The video has given little away but stirred fan curiosity which Sony hopes translates into sales.

God of War, Sony