
Have a Boring Job? You May Be Losing Brain Cells, Says New Research

According to recent research conducted by Florida State University, if your job does not stimulate your brain adequately, you may eventually end up losing a lot of your brain cells, causing long-term effects on your brain. There are many aspects in a workplace, tangible and otherwise, that can affect one's cognitive abilities. Memory and concentration are some of the areas of congnituve function that gets affected the most, especially if one is in their middle age. "Psychologists say that the brain is a muscle, while industrial hygienists point to chemicals in the work environment that may cause decline," says lead researcher Joseph Grzywacz.

Brain is like a muscle, if you want it to perform at its best abilities, it is important to be used adequately. However, some scientists argue that most common cause of cognitive decline is messy and disorganized workplace. Those who favor that argument say that a workplace that is not kept hygienic and organized can lead to growth of bacteria and mold that affect the brain. However, Grzywacz's research nullifies that argument. He and his team of researchers insist that both these factors have a collaborative impact on a person's cognitive decline.

He also noted that these factors affect both men and women. "Designing jobs to ensure that all workers have some decision making ability may protect cognitive function later in life, but it's also about cleaning up the workplace," says Grzywacz.

Job, Stress, Creativity, Brain Cells
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