
Viagra Reduces Heart Attack Risk, Says Research

For the purpose of the study, the researchers analyzed 6,000 diabetic patients who were administered Viagra for erectile dysfunction. The study findings revealed that drugs that are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction can also reduces the risk of heart failure, said professor Andrew Trafford, study lead author.

The findings also explain how this drug, originally meant for treating impotency, can treat thousands of patients suffering from heart conditions. The drug can also help in preventing heart attacks altogether. When one takes the medicine, it relaxes the muscle cells located in the blood vessels in the penis area, thus increasing the likelihood of an erection. In fact, key ingredient present in Viagra, known as PDE5i, not only slackens the blood vessels but also avert damage to the heart cells.

Heart failure is a brutal condition that prevents heart from pumping blood to the other parts of the body, the way it normally does. Professor Trafford explains that a heart failure can impact your quality of life.

Most times, heart failures occur when the heart muscles become too hard. When Viagra was created, it was initially used for the treatment of heart condition, angina, caused due to dilation of vessels around the heart. Even though they didn't prove successful, doctors realized that the medicine had a side effect that improved erections. As a result, Viagra was marketed as a drug for curing sex problems rather than heart problems.

Professor Trafford and his team of researchers hope that some day Viagra will also be able to prevent abnormal heart rhythms, also known as arrhythmias. Arrhythmia is the largest cause of heart failure among half the patients.

Heart failure, Viagra
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