Experts Warn Against Existential Risks of AI; Scientists Recommend ‘Kill Switch’ To Prevent AI from Rising Up Against Humans

Artificial Intelligence has made inroads in almost all the aspects of our lives today. From science to healthcare to fast food, AI has proved to be a possible solution for number of problems faced by the society. However, as beneficial as artificial intelligence is, there are some people still skeptical about fully embracing it. In fact, there are some experts who warn against its existential threat.

Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly one of the most debated technologies out there. While there are obvious benefits of using this technology in our day to day lives, there are also some risks such as vulnerability to cyber-attacks, software programming failures, inability to understand human instructions, etc. Thankfully, a team of scientists recommended an answer, development of technology that will prevent the artificial intelligence from gaining too much information.

Google's artificial intelligence department, DeepMind, has already joined hands with Oxford University to develop a "kill switch." This technology will prevent AI from learning enough as to interrupt human intervention into stopping its own existence. Even though there are several controls in place that regulate AI development, scientists are still keen on implementing the "Kill Switch."

Several Hollywood movies have depicted in their sci-fi flicks that artificial intelligence is capable of taking over the world. As fictional as it seems, it is not entirely untrue as AI is growing at a rapid pace and at some point make "amazing things possible."

"AI is coming," Vivek Wadhwa wrote in an article published by The Washington Post. "It is going to be in our TV sets and driving our cars; it will be our friend and personal assistant; it will take the role of our doctor. There have been more advances in AI over the past three years than there were in the previous three decades."

Artificial intelligence