Star Wars Battlefront 2' Release Date And Rumors: Bespin DLC Offers Two New Playable Characters and Maps

'Star Wars: Battlefront' was initially criticized for its lack of content from the time of its November release which coincided with "The Force Awakens" mania. However, with the arrival of steady stream of downloadable contents, the game is set to become increasingly bigger. 'Bespin' is the latest Battlefront expansion that offers players two new characters and new maps on Cloud City from 'The Empire Strikes Back' episode.

As stated on the EA Star Wars official blog, the Bespin DLC is due to come out this month on the 21st for Season Pass owners. For non-Season Pass holders, the expansion pack can be ordered two weeks later starting on July 5th for $15.

DICE has already released an official launch trailer which reveal a number of key details about the latest Battlefront content. The Bespin expansion includes five new maps all located in the Cloud City. The maps include locations such as the Administrator's Palace and Carbon-Freezing Chambers. Another one is the Bioniip Laboratories "where cybernetics and other bio-implants" are manufactured.

Also featured in the Bespin DLC are new weapons like the X8 Night Sniper and the EE4 blaster. New Star Cards are also offered like the Shock Grenade that temporarily freezes enemies, Scout Binoculars that disclose enemy positions to teammates, and, lastly Disruption, - a "disruption wave that knocks out enemy blasters, turrets, and droids."

A new mode called Sabotage is also featured in the latest DLC pack with an official description (via Game Spot) that says:

"The Empire has deployed several tractor beams on the surface of Cloud City that prevents Rebel ships from escaping the planet. In order to power the tractor beams, the Empire makes use of Tibanna Gas Generators that draw from the Tibanna Gas native to Bespin."

Of course, the Bespin expansion wouldn't be complete without the DLC's recent playable character add-ons, namely, Lando Calrissian and Dengar. Calrissian, a specialist gunslinger, is a highly skilled user of blaster whose many talents include the ability to weigh the odds and employing tricks against his enemies. Dengar, on the other hand, is a tough fighter whose fearless combat skills allowed him to take on bigger foes. In the Bespin DLC, Dengar is seen wielding his iconic DLT-19 heavy blaster.

Bespin was preceded by Outer Rim which was released in March. Next to roll out after Bespin is Death Star which is expected to come out in fall this year. The last planned DLC (still untitled) will be launched sometime in early 2017.

Star wars, Release date, Rumors, DLC, DICE, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Force Awakens, Character, Plot, Maps, The empire strikes back