NFL Rumors: Association Color Rush Jerseys For The Teams May Have Been Leaked

Rumors have been swirling about what NFL teams' color rush uniforms look like when the 2016-2017 season sets in. The latest leak making rounds online purportedly reveal what color of the uniforms that teams will be playing in for Thursday games.

The color rush uniforms were reportedly designed by Nike. They were supposedly unveiled back in April following the finalization of season games schedule. However, April has already passed by yet fans haven't got any official word from the league about the color rush jerseys. Nevertheless, Detroit Lions President Rod Wood thinks that the jersey reveal is likely to be announced in July.

"All teams that play on Thursday this year will wear a color rush uniform. The roll out of the color rush uniforms for all teams will occur when they announce the schedule," Wood said as quoted by Detroit Free Press.

"I wish I could comment on it, but probably later in July the NFL's going to allow us to roll out what the plans are for 2016 and I'll have some comment at that point. I thing they want to do everything at the same time so I'm honoring that request."

Last week, purported leaked image showing the NFL teams' color rush jerseys were making rounds online. A Twitter post showed some kind of memo carrying NFL and Nike logos although the leak is yet to be confirmed for its authenticity.

If the leak proves accurate, football fans may already have the idea what their teams will be wearing for Thursday games when the new regular season kicks off. As per the leaked memo, Lions will be sporting a 1948-1950 throwback when the team wore red. Also, a suggested powder blue-themed San Diego Chargers uniform takes us back to the team's pre-1984 color rush jerseys.

In another uniform-related update, Lions exec Wood hinted of a possible overhaul of their regular field uniform in time for the new season games. The Detroit club boss also mentioned that the team may add an alternate jersey unrelated to the league's color rush campaign, CBS Sports reported.

Nfl, Nfl rumors, New Jersey, Leaked, Uniform, Nike, Leak, Games