Jon Stewart Defends Phil Robertson, 'Duck Dynasty' May Not Continue Without Him, Family Says (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart took a stand on his opinion of the "Duck Dynasty" scandal due to Phil Robertson's opinion on religion and homosexuality and he admitted thinking the show was about actual ducks.

"I don't actually watch 'Duck Dynasty,' and I had assumed it was a show where ducks reenact the show 'Dynasty' -- which, by the way, would have a huge gay audience," Stewart said, before jumping in to a slideshow of hilarious reactions from Fox News anchors and hosts.

Stewart, who says Robertson's comment were ignorant, did add he has the right to state his opinion.

Stewart goes on to mock Robertson for his comment where he said African Americans were not "singing the blues" when in slavery, adding: "forgetting of course that's when and where the blues were invented."

"I think the guy said a zinger, but I also have an inclination to support a world where saying ignorant shit on television doesn't get you kicked off that medium," Stewart said while making a face and waving, insinuating he too would be fired if he were held to the same standard.

He goes on to sarcastically say he stands with the people at Fox who stand by free speech.

"I guess I stand with the free speech absolutists at Fox News, who don't believe you should have to adhere to the culture norms of speech. Mostly," Stewart said, before playing a montage of Fox personalities who seem pretty upset "Merry Christmas" is being switched to"Happy Holidays," with the last clip being of the "Duck Dynasty" family cheerily saying happy holidays.

After all the drama, a source told E!News the Robertson family is "very serious" about their decision to leave the show after Robertson was suspended, though filming for season four happened before the scandal began.

"They're an extremely tight-knit family and they're not going to let this get in the way," a source told E!News. "[Phil] is the reason for their success-they're not going to abandon him. They're also not about to let anyone threaten their religious beliefs."

For the time being, season four will premiere as planned on Jan. 15, and a source said "Phil might be diminished but there's no way to cut him out altogether."

The show is A&E's highest-rated show of all time, according to E!News, and their Christmas special brought in almost nine million viewers. The show places after "Walking Dead" as the most popular show of the year.

The Robertsons also have their own brand at Wal-Mart, which may be removed due to the Robertson's remarks, as the company did after the Paula Deen N-word scandal, according to E!News. The family even has a Christmas album which is currently at number one on the Billboard charts.

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