Do You Have Difficulty in Keeping Healthy Relationships? Blame It on Low OXT, Says Study

In a recent article published by, scientists found out that OXT is the gene present in our bodies that can help a person to manage healthy relationships. It is this gene that leads to the production of oxytocin, also known as the love hormone is the one that makes people feel love.

Scientists at the University of Georgia examined a sample of 120 people for the purpose of their study, taking their brain structure and its function into account. The test subjects were also made to answer some questions regarding their genetic history and social skills. According to the study results, if OXT gene is performing low, chances are that the person might not be able to have a healthy, functional relationship with another person.

The people with lower OXT find it hard to deal with their emotions and are unable to hide their facial expressions. Another issue that they struggle with is that of anxiety. This persistent anxiety adds up to the problem when it comes to handling their relationships with people that they love. The study results also pointed out that people with low OXT are also weak at social thinking and even facial recognition.

According to news reports, the researchers used the participants' saliva in order to conduct these experiments and eventually come out to a conclusion. As far as the solution to increase OXT gene is concerned, the scientists are still trying to find the answer to that question and publish study results based on experiments.
