‘God of War’ 4 Release Date, News & Update: ‘God of War 4’ Inspired by Cancelled ‘Star Wars’ Show

In a recent interview, Cory Barlog revealed how his work at Lucas film influenced his involvement with "God of War 4." Barlog was also responsible for the direction of second installment of "God of War" series. He said that 15 years ago, Lucasfilm announced a "Star Wars" TV show which was later canceled. However, when Barlog read the TV show scripts ha such a profound impact on him that he decided to bring some of those ideas into his work with "God of War 4."

The game protagonist, Kratos, cannot be called a hero, but an anti-hero as he was a raging sociopath for most part of the game. It was only in the final act of the final game that he was finally able to release himself of the curse. Although, Kratos' deadly motivation was established early on in the game, but his behavior throughout the game has been considered to be at par with the antagonists that he fights.

Hence, it came as a surprise when at E3, "God of War 4" demo showed Kratos as more reflective and patient protagonist, as compared to the previous versions in which he was always charging like a bull.

Barlog explains that this change in Kratos was influenced by what he read in the "Star Wars" scripts. The character development of Kratos is specifically developed on the lines of fall of Emperor Palpatine in "Star Wars." This emperor in the cancelled TV show fell because of manipulative Jezebel, which made the director sympathize with his character. This is what led to the creation of Kratos in the fourth installment of "God of War" series.

Sony is expected to release the game by 2016 holiday season.

Star wars, Kratos