Increased Suicide Risk Among Teenagers Attributed to Bullying, Warns Study

A recent report released by the American Academy of Pediatrics revealed that the bullies are also at a high risk of suicide. This finding is contrary to the popular belief that only the victim is affected. It was then brought to light that the experts, educators and parents must focus on both the aspects of bullying, victim and the bully.

A report published in "Pediatrics" journal mentioned that pediatricians must look closely at the main causes that compel the teens to commit suicide. It also suggested that they should not only focus on mental health issues and substance abuse, but bullying as well.

Benjamin Shain, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, said that the pediatricians should open their mind and scope when dealing with the issue of suicide risk among adolescents. "Pediatricians need to be aware of the problem overall," Shain said. "They should be screening for things like mood disorders, substance abuse as well as bullying."

Suicide has been one of the leading causes of adolescent deaths and the numbers have been increasing exponentially throughout the years. According to CDC, 17% high school students have considered committing suicide at some point. It also pointed out that 2.7% have already attempted the suicide attempt that resulted in an injury.

One of the major causes that lead to suicide is bullying. The victim often goes through a case of low self-esteem and even dejection. The report also highlights that cyberbullying is also one of the most usual form of bullying that has affected thousands of teenagers in United States alone.

Dr. Christine Moutier, chief medical officer at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, recommended that the parents and the physicians have a huge role to play when it comes to prevention of suicide.

Depression, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Anti-bullying