‘Game of Thrones' Season 7 News And Update: 5 Predictions You Might Want To Know

Game of Thrones has virtually placed everyone in a state of suspense following the unfolding of exciting events in Season 6.

The epic fantasy series is nearing its end as show runners David Benioff and Dan Weiss said earlier even before the sixth season started as per Hollywood Reporter. The next season will probably showcase the final stretch of the show based on George R.R. Martin's highly famed Song and Fire novels.

"We're approaching the finish line. From the outset, our hope was to tell a complete story - beginning, middle and end. We are writing the final act now, and the last thing we want to do is stay on stage after the play is over."

As a recap of Season 6 finale's highlights (via International Business Times), Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) assumed control over the Iron Throne following King Tommen's (Dean-Charles Chapman) suicide.

Cersei used violence to destroy the growing influence of the Faith of the Seven and the Faith Militant headed by the High Sparrow. Unfortunately, several members of the House of Tyrell including Queen Margaery and her brother Loras died when the Great Sept of Baelor was destroyed after a massive explosion underneath the structure.

Meanwhile, Jon Snow (Kit Harington) was proclaimed King by the Lords of the North after the defeat of Ramsay Bolton in the Battle of the Bastards. Also, Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) eliminated the slave masters attempt to overthrow her reign in Mereen. She also set out a large expedition on her way to Westeros in her bid to reunite the Seven Kingdoms under the House of Targaryen alongside her loyal dragons, the Unsullied, Dothraki tribes, the Greyjoys, the Dornish army under Ellaria Sand (Indira Varma), and Olenna Tyrell's (Diana Rigg) forces.

What is clear is that a battle for the Iron Throne is but inevitable in the upcoming seventh season. The question looming on everyone's mind is how things will play out in the next highly anticipated season. Here are the key Game of Thrones predictions that you might want to know (via Mashable):

1. The Starks will reunite: At some point in the upcoming episodes, all the remaining members of the House of Stark will be reunited. Jon Snow and Sansa have been together again, Bran has reached the Wall, and Arya has made her way to Westeros.

2. Sansa might clash with Jon Snow: The Stark reunion won't be a totally happy family affair with Sansa going rogue after being sidelined in the campaign to retake the North from the Boltons. Now that Jon Snow has been proclaimed King, Sansa might go rogue in conjunction with Littlefinger's political scheme.

3. Jon Snow will discover his Targaryen heritage: He seemed to have shared a common trait with his aunt Daenerys, which is charismatic leadership. The bastard son of Ned Stark is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and the late Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. In the next season, there is a likelihood of alliance between Jon Snow and the Dragon Queen.

4. Jamie will kill Cersei: The Lannister siblings will end up killing each other (except for Tyrion who's been promoted as the Daenerys' right hand man). Following Tommen's suicide after Margaery's death, Jamie will probably be the one who will end Cersei's short-lived reign.

5. The White Walkers will overrun the Wall: While the competing Houses of the Seven Kingdoms are busy in an inevitable war, the coming of Winter signals the arrival of the White Walkers that threaten to destroy the entire humanity. They may have already figured out a way to overrun the Wall's magical barrier.

The collapse of the Wall feels like the end of the hugely successful series. As the plot accelerates toward an epic end, the show begins wrapping up each character's role in the series. Let's see who wins or dies in Season 7.

Game of Thrones, Update, Spoilers, Predictions, Season, Plot, Character