Pokémon GO Release Date Update: New Official Trailer for Pokemon Sun and Moon Released

Pokemon celebrates its 20th anniversary this year so fans should expect a bunch of treats leading up to its November 18 release. Previously, Nintendo and the Pokemon Company has revealed an actual gameplay footage for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. The video gives players a sneak peek at the game's battle system and the starter Pokemon.

Just recently, the Pokemon Company seems to have released a new official game preview for Pokemon Sun and Moon. As reported by International Business Times, seven Pokemons are reportedly added to the game.

The news about the new trailer first broke out when Serebii, a reputable source of Pokemon-related updates, posted the video in its untranslated version. The three-minute trailer, however, does offer a preview of an actual gameplay of each new Pokemon.

The new Pokemons are as follows (via Polygon):

1. Bruxish (Water/Psychic): Possesses a strong psychic power and a dazzling ability that stops opponents from using their priority moves.

2. Charjabug (Bug/Electric): Charjabug (Grubbin's first evolution) is a new Alola region Pokémon with the ability to raise its allies' special moves.

3. Cutiefly (Bug/Fairy): Cutiefly can detect varying auras of living things including humans, plants, and other Pokemons. They look for flowers to collect nectar from by the color and brightness of their auras.

4. Drampa (Normal/Dragon): Drampa are solitary dragons that live in high up in the mountains. They are notable for their Berserk Ability which raises its Special Attack stat by one when its HP falls below half.

5. Tapukoko (Electric/Fairy): As the guardian deity of Melemele Island in the Alola region, this Pokemon's special ability is Electric Surge which fills the field around its feet with electricity. This never-seen-before ability raises the Electric-type moves for any Pokemon on the ground.

6. Togedemaru (Electric/Steel-type): This Pokemon gathers electricity and keeps it using a long needle that grows from the back of its head.

7. Rockruff (Rock): A Pokemon with an extremely high-level sense of smell. It doesn't forget an odor once it smelled it.

8. Vikavolt (Electric/Bug): An evolved form of Charjabug, this Pokemon is like a fortress with huge jaws that control a beam of electricity that can be fired from its humungous mouth.

9. Komala (Normal): This Pokemon is always sleep even as it eats, travels, and even battles with other Pokemons. Its Comatose Ability keeps it in perpetual slumber and prevents it from having any other conditions.

Meanwhile, latest reports indicate that the augmented reality "Pokemon Go" has just ended its beta field testing in the US. Once all feedbacks from testers are reviewed and analyzed, the game will have to be fine-tuned before its much anticipated release.

Pokemon, Release date, Update, Trailer, Video, Updates
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