Donald Trump Accused Of Raping 13-Year-Old In 1994

It happened over 20 years ago. Donald Trump allegedly raped a 13-year-old when he allegedly forced himself on her four times in 1994, said legal documents filed in June.

Trump and American financier Jeffrey Epstein, who is a registered sex offender, have been sued for "rape, sexual misconduct, criminal sexual acts, sexual abuse, forcible touching, assault, battery, intentional and reckless infliction of emotional distress, duress, and false imprisonment," according to the lawsuit.

The unnamed girl is in her 30s now, but she says the offenders knew she was an underage girl at the time. At many parties organised by Epstein at Manhattan in 1994, the men seemed to have promised her as well as other minor girls money and modelling careers to attend the parties. She charges Trump of initiating sexual contact with her on four occasions.

The incident recounted sounds quite distressing. During the last incident, "Trump tied the girl to a bed, exposed himself to her, and then proceeded to rape her. When the girl pleaded with Trump to stop, the presidential candidate allegedly responded to her pleas by violently striking her in the face with his open hand, screaming at her that he would do whatever he wanted."

Following the rape, he threatened that she should never reveal it, or she and her family would be harmed.

The lawsuit also said that Epstein raped her too and tried to strike her on the head even as he screamed at her. He seemed enraged that Trump "took the girl's virginity when it should have been him who had taken it." He too threatened that she should not tell anyone about it.

Under a pseudonym Tiffany Doe, a witness explained that she too had been raped, and then employed by Epstein to recruit adolescent females. She saw the plaintiff under the pseudonym Jane Doe forced into complying with sexual acts with the two men.

"I am coming forward to swear to the truthfulness of the physical and sexual abuse that I personally witnessed of minor females at the hands of Mr Trump and Mr Epstein," Tiffany Doe's statement said.

"I swear to these facts under the penalty for perjury even though I fully understand that the life of myself and my family is now in grave danger."

"I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr Trump during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr Trump forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop," the witness' declaration reads.

The Daily Mail said that in April the plaintiff filed the lawsuit. However, "technical filing errors" led to its dismissal.

The case has been refiled in New York.

However, Trump has denied the allegations that he and Epstein raped girls during parties at the latter's home. His attorney, Alan Garden, said that the allegations were "categorically false" and "disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, more likely, are politically motivated."

"To be clear, there is absolutely no merit to these claims and, based on our investigation, no evidence that the person who has made these allegations actually exists," the lawyer said.

Donald Trump, Sex offender