
Here is How You Can Get Some Nutrition on Your Child’s Plate

According to a research, if you present vegetables in the form of cartoon superheroes, the children may feel encouraged to eat their greens. In a recent research, a team of scientists used three different methods to make the children eat vegetables in 10 different New York schools. In one method, the banners were wrapped with the images of superhero vegetables called Super Sprowtz in a salad bar. The second technique involved playing videos of Super Sprowtz, and the third technique was about using the combination of first two methods together.

When the researchers used Super Sprowtz videos, they noticed "a statistically insignificant increase in vegetable consumption," revealed a news report. The schools that contained Super Sprowtz banners, 90.5% students got attracted to the vegetables. However, phenomenal results were produced when the banners were combined with videos, 239.2% vegetable intake in children.

"If we put the time and good resources into marketing healthy choices to kids, it can work,"

said Andrew Hanks, lead study author and assistant professor of human sciences at the Ohio State University. The study was published in Pediatrics.

This technique can also be used by mothers at home to make their children eat vegetables.

"Looking down at a plate of vegetables scares most kids away. So hiding vegetables in their favorite meals is a great solution," wrote Tana Bolinger on a website. If you children love mac and cheese, you can make a variation of it that includes baked vegetables such as cauliflower.

Healthy eating, Nutrition, Children
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