Enroll in November Project and Get the Best Workout for Free

A popular fitness trend that is taking health freaks by the storm is all about sweating it out for free. If you are looking for a fun social way to break a sweat, then all you need to do is sign up for November Project.

November Project is a brain child of Bojan Mandaric and Brogan Graham. These two people promised that they would continue to stay in shape even after their college is over. However, being newly graduated students meant lack of money, more so for expensive gyms. So they decided to give the most difficult workout from their college days, the exercise of going up and down the stairs in a Harvard stadium, a fun twist.

Today, after five years, more than 800 people have joined the November Project. They meet at interesting historical locations, all across America, and replicate this workout, sweating it for free. Moreover, they get a chance to meet other interesting people through this exercise, thus keeping the motivation levels high. Meeting at historical landmarks is a great way to know your city up close. "It creates a sentimental way to connect with your city. There's a romantic component to it, you're working out, endorphins are flowing, you're meeting cool new people," says Mandaric.

After all these years, November Project has massive following, almost cult-like. It is an amazing way to meet new people who are supportive of your objective and will help you get through even the most grueling sessions, that too for no extra charge!
