'Iron Man 4' Release Date, News & Update: Is ‘Iron Man 4’ A Prequel? Robert Downey Jr. Shares How He Prepared for the Iconic Superhero

According to previous reports, Robert Downey Jr. will once again reprise his role as the rich and famous Tony Stark/Iron Man in "Iron Man 4." However, it looks like the idea may be a bit farfetched, given the actor's age. The film, if it indeed happens, will release by 2020 that will make it hard for the actor to pull off the tough action sequences.

If the release updates are any indication, the movie will not release before 2020 and may be slated after "Avengers: Infinity War." However, reports note that despite the Marvel Comics Universe timelines, Marvel can still go for "Iron Man 4," albeit, as a prequel. The movie may follow the events after "Captain America: Civil War." Until the official word comes out, the fans continue to hope that they will see their favorite actor, bringing their favorite superhero, to life.

In a recent interview, Downey Jr. shared what its like to be the man inside the famous "Iron Man" suit. "The funny thing is: I had been preparing for Iron Man for a year or so before I even knew there was going to be an Iron Man in my life," he said.

"For some reason or another, I had been training really hard, just trying to get my body to a really great place, doing martial arts and all that. I was, like, 40-years old. I figured if I was ever going to try to look like I was in decent shape, there wasn't going to be a better time," he continued.

"So when the part came, I was ready for it. Or I thought I was. It was a really physical role. Sometimes you train your ass off so you'll look good in a movie, and then you find out that you were really training so you wouldn't die."

"What I learned about myself playing "Iron Man" is that if you're not on your team, why should anyone else be? Something like the first "Iron Man," that was considered out of the box for me," Downey Jr. added. "Way outside the box. But that's what we are here to do: change expectations of ourselves."

Iron Man 4, Robert Downey Jr.