Healthy Fats: These Fats Actually Mean Well

The most common form of fat that comes highly recommended by experts is eggs. They not only make up for your body's protein need but also contain high amounts of amino acids, Vitamin D, riboflavin and vitamin B12. Eggs are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, lutein and choline, elements that are very good for your heart.

Who would have thought that vegetable oils will make into this list? Coconut oil has been gaining a lot of popularity due to antibacterial, anti-fungal and fat-burning abilities. Other types of oils that are good for your body include olive oil, peanut oil and you can even try walnut oil. Even nuts are a rich source of healthy fats. However, you must eat in moderation as they are also very high in calories.

Olives are also a great source of healthy fats. They are also rich in antioxidants and good cholesterol. The same kind of cholesterol is also present in avocado. Avocado has high amounts of vitamin K, vitamin E, fiber, good fats and magnesium.

The best way to stock up on omega-3 fatty acids is to consume fish. Fish is an excellent source of vitamins and proteins, and not to mention healthy fats too.

You can also eat seeds that are a powerhouse of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and also healthy fats. Eating seeds is a good way to give yourself energy boost and at the same time, it can also help lower your body's bad cholesterol.

Avocado, Healthy food