'The Winds of Winter' Release Date, News & Update: New Chapter from the Book to Be Revealed at Worldcon 2016

The popular book that inspired "Game of Thrones" is written by George RR Martin. The famous author will attend upcoming Worldcon, a five-day event to be held at Kansas City Convention Center, starting Aug 17.

In this event, the author calls out to all his loyal fans and followers and invites them to join him at the convention. He said in his blog, "I will be there, along with hundreds of other writers, artists, and editors, and thousands of fans."

"If you have never been to a con before, this is the one to go to... assuming you're a reader. Worldcon has always had a strong literary slant, and while costuming, television, films, comics, and games are all included as well, it is the written word that occupies center ring here." Martin also posted a link on how to join the event.

According to previous reports, George RR Martin read a chapter from his upcoming book at Balticon, where he asked his fans which chapter they would like to listen to: Aeron Greyjoy, Arya Stark or the one regarding ancient history of Westeros. The fans chose the Greyjoy chapter where they learned about Euron Greyjoy and he is the next bad thing, as bad a Ramsay Bolton, that will happen in the books. Now fans are looking forward to listen to another chapter at Worldcon.

Game of Thrones