Americans Have No Faith in Scientists or Science Journalists, Shows Survey

Americans do not have much belief in scientists and science journalists, reveals a recent survey.

A recent survey conducted by YouGov poll shows not many Americans trust the information given out by scientists and science journalists. Only 36 percent of the Americans surveyed said that they entirely believed what scientists put out.

Fifty six percent revealed that they partially trusted what scientists said and 6 percent of the surveyed denied any trust in the group at all, reports Huffington Post.

The statistics of people relying on science journalists was scarier. Only 12 percent of the people admitted that they completely believed in the facts doled out by science journalists. Fifty seven percent of the people partially trusted the science journalists to nail down the facts accurately and the rest (26 percent) didn't have any faith in the group.

The survey also showed that most people believed that the research was influenced by the sponsors or some sort of political leanings or pressure. Nearly 78 percent of the people surveyed believed that politics might have colored the research, 44 percent of the population thought politics played a part sometimes and 34 percent believed that it was crucial more often. Fifteen percent believed such connections to be rare and three percent said the studies were impartial.

Also 82 percent of the people reviewed believed that scientific studies were sponsor influenced, 43 percent accepted the connection to be more often and 39 percent said it might be sometimes.

An earlier survey revealed that one third Americans admitted that they trusted others completely. This was almost half in 1972. An AP-GfK survey last month showed that Americans mostly don't rely on each other and that clerks who swipe cards, drivers and people met while travelling are the least trusted, according to a recent associated press report.

Americans, Scientists, Science, Journalists, Survey, Percent, Political
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