Resident Evil 7' News And Rumors: Video Game Boasts of Having 2 Million Downloads

Capcom released a PlayStation 4 teaser demo for Resident Evil 7: Biohazard last month following the developer's E3 2016 announcement. In the first week of its North American release, "Beginning Hour" recorded more than 2 million downloads from PlayStation Plus subscribers around the world.

The survival horror-themed franchise has become one of the most enduring video game series despite its occasional ups and downs in sales. The developer still managed to make the game more relatable across different generations of players.

The demo is actually the game's prologue featuring an entirely different protagonist from the full Resident Evil 7: Biohazard version, Game Spot reported. To place PlayStation 4 gamers in a state of suspense, the creators incorporated a number of mysteries. After posting a huge download record, excitement is steadily building up for the installment's release.

Speaking of creepy Easter eggs found in the game such as the dummy finger, overzealous gamers are relentlessly pursuing a detective-like mission to break some of the biggest mysteries found in the downloadable teaser. Moreover, Capcom also heightened the anticipation by saying demo is just the tip of the iceberg. As to the fans' incessant questions regarding the game, everything may have to wait until fall with more game reveals at the Tokyo Game Show as per Vine Report.

How different will the Resident Evil 7 be from the franchise's earlier titles?

Unlike the horror series' previous iterations, Capcom promises a departure from supernatural storyline. The developer said that the main character will be an ordinary individual who is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Despite the change, some aspects of the game still remain such as managing supplies and solving puzzles.

Meanwhile, fans looking for a more intense and immersive horror treat will finally get what they're looking for. The game's VR version promises a nauseating scary experience. To neutralize some of its horror excesses, enjoying the game with friends and family would make a lot of sense.

"If you feel it's too much of an intense experience to play on your own, there's always the fun of enjoying horror in a communal setting. Maybe with family or friends, get people to gather round and enjoy the scares together. That might take a little bit of the edge off rather than being alone and driving yourself crazy with a horror game," said Resident Evil 7 producer Masachika Kawata as quoted by Crossmap.

Resident evil, Video Games, Video game, Downloads, PlayStation 4, Capcom, Installment, Rumors
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