So here is the human body that can live through a car accident. Victoria's Transport Accident Commission's latest road safety campaign introduces Aussies to Graham, "a grotesque-looking sculpture that perfectly illustrates why no human, no matter how strong, would survive a transport accident."
Graham looks really bloated and seems to make other accident victims look better! The latest road safety project was launched Wednesday, showing how a "normal" human body gets killed in an accident. Graham was developed through a joint collaboration by Royal Melbourne Hospital trauma surgeon Christian Kenfield, Monash University Accident Research Centre crash investigator David Logan and Melbourne sculptor Patricia Piccinini.
Now this is one horrorsome-looking dude who is said to be the only person to come through a car crash. As his main purpose is to stress that a human body can never withstand a road collision, he does not look handsome.
"Graham is an educational tool that will serve the community for years to come as a reminder of why we need to develop a safer road system that will protect us when things go wrong," TAC chief executive officer Joe Calafiore said. It was the science of human vulnerability that reinforces Victoria's "Toward Zero" approach to bring down trauma on the road.
The Google Tango makes use of "augmented reality technology" to enable readers to explore under Graham's skin at It shows why he looks so disproportionately grotesque. Graham's brain with a reinforced skull can support humans during transport accidents.
"Graham's brain is the same as yours, but his skull is bigger with more fluid and more ligaments to support the brain when a collision occurs," Piccinini said.
The plans are to introduce viewers to Graham till Aug. 8 at the State Library of Victoria. Graham will then be out for a roadshow in regional centres.
"People can survive running at a full pace into a wall when you're talking about collisions involving vehicles, the speeds are faster, the forces are greater and the chances of survival are much slimmer," Calafiore explained. ""Cars have evolved a lot faster than humans and Graham helps us understand why we need to improve every aspect of our roads system to protect ourselves from our own mistakes."