The Cost of Making an Apple IPhone in 1985? A Cool $32 Million

The Apple IPhone is probably the most coveted smathphone in the world at this point of time and although it is ture that there are plenty of other options available for smartphone users, IPhone is a product that has the cult like following that Apple's Mac used to have (and does now) back in the 1980s. However, you must always have wondered how much it would have cost had the IPhone been manufactured back in 1980s and now internet marketing company Webpage FX have calculated the cost of an Iphone in 1985. The price? A jaw dropping $32 million.

According to the report on Fortune Magazine, "In a lengthy evaluation comparing smartphone costs now and then, Internet marketing company WebpageFX found that a smartphone with all the features one would expect today would have cost $32,136,910 in 1985. Admittedly, that might sound a bit ridiculous. But further evaluation of the company's data reveals it might make some sense.

For instance, if you wanted to buy a mobile phone like the Motorola DynaTAC back in 1985, it would've cost you $9,000-a far cry from the few hundreds you'd pay now for an unlocked smartphone. Want to send some text and images to a friend? You probably would've needed a fax machine, which in 1985 cost $1,105. In the off chance you didn't know where you were going and needed a GPS navigator, it would've cost you $6,630 in 1985. Now, it comes bundled as software inside your smartphone."

The report, however did go on to add that, "Yes, a 1985 smartphone might sound expensive, but if WebpageFX's data is any indication, today's devices might actually be a bargain. After all, according to the company, a 1985 smartphone would cost about as much as 957 new, 2,016 cars, and 109 new houses. A single smartphone with all the power and features of today's devices would have set you back the cost of nearly 85,000 computers on shelves right now."