Brainy Persons May Be Lazier: Study

Now if you are lazy, you need not feel that you are dumb, to boot! Some people who are less active could actually be more intelligent, says new research. Those who just laze around might really be brainier than others who are raring to go, says a study by Florida Gulf Coast University researchers. Experts say that people with high IQ do not get easily bored.

Researchers exposed a group of students to a "Need for Cognition" test and found that those who have high IQs tend to stand still for longer periods, lost in their own thought process. However, others who are active might require much more physical activities in order to stimulate their brains.

"Ultimately, an important factor that may help more thoughtful individuals combat their lower average activity levels is awareness. Awareness of their tendency to be less active, coupled with an awareness of the cost associated with inactivity, more thoughtful people may then choose to become more active throughout the day," the researchers explained.

Experts asked the participants to assess the strength with which they agreed or disagreed with specific statements. About 30 participants were 'thinkers' who underwent a lot of cognition, while another 30, who avoided mentally tiring activities, were told to wear an 'accelerometer' for a week in order to find out how much activity they got involved in.

While the thinkers tended to be less active than the non-thinkers during the week, the results showed a lot of difference in activity in the weekends. There did not seem to be any explanation for this. Associate professor of psychology, Todd McElroy, explained that it is likely that non-thinkers tend to bore fast, which makes them require physical activity so that they can enjoy their time.

It is necessary, though, to be active in life---whether you are a thinker or non-thinker, he said.

The article was published in the Journal of Health Psychology.
