Apple CEO Tim Cook Talks About IPhone, Succeeding Steve Jobs and Lot More in Freewheeling Interview

Apple's CEO Tim Cook is one of the most powerful executives in the world considering the company's stature as one of the true tech giants of the modern era and recently in a free wheeling chat with Washington Post, he spoke at length about plenty of issue incuding the Iphone as well as his thoughts on having succeeded the iconic Steve Jobs.

The IPhone is perhaps the most popular Apple product and accounts for most of his revenues and when asked about it, he said, "The global market for smartphones is 1.4 billion.Over time, I'm convinced every person in the world will have a smartphone. That may take a while, and they won't all have iPhones. But it is the greatest market on earth from a consumer electronics point of view." He went on to add, "AI will make this product even more essential to you. It will become even a better assistant than it is today. So where you probably aren't leaving home without it today - you're really going to be connected to it in the future. That level of performance is going to skyrocket. And there is nothing that's going to replace it in the short term or in the intermediate term either."

When asked about his thoughts on succeeding Steve Jobs, Cook was forthcoming with his reply and said, "To me, Steve's not replaceable. By anyone. [Voice softens] He was an original of a species. I never viewed that was my role. I think it would have been a treacherous thing if I would have tried to do it. When I first took the job as CEO, I actually thought that Steve would be here for a long time. Because he was going to be chairman, work a bit less after he came back up the health curve. So I went into it with one thought, and then weeks later - six weeks later, whatever -"

[Quotes from Recode and the entire interview can be accessed here ]