
About 360,000 Twitter Terrorist-Inclined Accounts Dismissed Since Mid-2015

Twitter has suspended almost 235,000 accounts in the past year. Hence, suspension of people inclined towards terrorism and violence has shot up by 200 percent. As the company's policies against promotion of terrorism on social media was violated, it announced its decision.

"This brings our overall number of suspensions to 360,000 since the middle of 2015. As noted by numerous third parties, our efforts continue to drive meaningful results, including a significant shift in this type of activity off of Twitter," the company announced in a blog post.

"Earlier this year, we announced we had suspended more than 125,000 accounts since mid-2015 for violating our longtime prohibition."

Twitter has partnered with anti-extremist bodies such as Parle-moi d'Islam of France, Imams Online of the UK, Wahid Foundation in Indonesia, The Sawab Center in the UAE, and True Islam in the US to arrive at its figures.

The number of suspension requests from various governments all over the world have been published on its online Transparency Report. Statistics showed that the United States sent the maximum requests---almost 48 percent of the total. It was followed by France, which faced the maximum number of terrorist attacks last year.

Daily suspension has gone up by 80 percent since last year, in response to the global terrorist attack.

"We have also made progress in disrupting the ability of those suspended to immediately return to the platform. We have expanded the teams that review reports around the clock, along with their tools and language capabilities. We also collaborate with other social platforms, sharing information and best practices for identifying terrorist content," Twitter explained.

Most of their activities are based on technology and cooperation with government and non-government agencies, said the San Francisco, California-based company. There does not seem to be any "magic algorithm" to locate any of these activities.

"In fact, over the past six months these tools have helped us to automatically identify more than one third of the accounts we ultimately suspended for promoting terrorism. We will continue to invest in both technology and other resources in the future and you can expect us to update our progress regularly as part of our Transparency Report beginning in 2017."

Twitter, Violence
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