Saban's Power Rangers News Update: Social Media Photos Show Rita Repulsa Trapped In Ice

As the filming of Saban's Power Rangers went on, fans are made to see some key events that they must look forward to in the movie. In a recent, Instagram post, the Rangers' greatest villain, Rita Repulsa is seen in a sad state and is looking for a way out as she gets trapped in ice.

The villain, played by Elizabeth Banks, is donned in her emerald outfit and outlandish golden fingertips as she stares helplessly in front of her ice prison. The picture was not accompanied by any caption that could give more hints telling the villain's fate in the movie.

Sources speculated that the scene shows the prison where Zordon (Bryan Cranston) trapped Repulsa before she engineered her way out.

Elizabeth Banks and Bryan Cranston joins with the Rangers cast including R.J. Cyler as the Blue Ranger Billy, Naomi Scott as the Pink Ranger Kimberly, Ludi Lin as the Black Ranger Zack, Dacre Montgomery as the Red Ranger Jason, and Becky Gomez as the Yellow Ranger Trini.

In its latest spoilers, it was said that the Rangers reboot takes a different turn and may not take Repulsa's campy humor. Other sources also pointed out her 'unpredictable' nature with moviemakers designing a storyline that will include a backstory linking her closely to the Rangers.

Also, earlier interviews assured that teens will not have a hard time relating to the movie as it will include recent day's problem about social media and a 'highly-improved' setting that portrays today's modern world.

As shown in photos, Repulsa will also ditch her baggy brown outfit and horns and would switch to its emerald, body-hugging villain suit. The rangers will also have a new look from its spandex costume to the more modern superhero armor.

Despite changes and improvement, Saban's Power Rangers reboot will stick to its classic tale of five ordinary school kids in their small town of Angel Grove joined by fate to have that one mission to save the planet from an alien threat. Their mission, however, would not be easy as finding their true capabilities will not be realized not unless they can also solve their individual, real-life hurdles.

Saban's Power Rangers is scheduled to hit theaters on March 24. 2017.

Power Rangers, Reboot, Elizabeth Banks, Instagram, Leaks, Spoilers, Costume, Update