Turkey sends F-16 figther jets and war planes to Sryria as part of anti-ISIS operation

According to BBC, numerous Turkish tanks, F-16 fighter jets and coalition warplanes were sent by the Turkish government to Syria to destabilize ISIS.it is said that Turkish special forces had been in the Jarablus area prior to the attack as part of the offensive. Jarabulus is one of the remaining strongholds on the border for the Islamic State and is vital for its supply line.

12 air strikes, rocket strikes and artillery destroyed 70 targets in the said area. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that the operation is intended both for ISIS and Kurdish Forces Fighters.

Turkish military forces bombarded the Syrian Kurdish forces in the region, they are firm to not let the said group fill the vacuum if IS leave, as reported by BBC Mark Lowen from Gaziantep which is near the Syrian border.

Newyork Times reported that assault was in response to the group's coup in Turkey last month which raised the tension to the country. It can also be recalled that Turkey vowed to "cleanse" its borders of Islamic State after a suicide bombing at a Kurdish wedding which killed more than 54 innocent civilians.

Before the Wednesday's attack, Mevlut Cavusoglu, the foreign minister of Turkey, pledged to provide " every kind" of support against the Islamic State, the NATO allies of Turkey have long sought its greater involvement in Syrian matters.

Decan Chronicle posted that Ankara has said to be turning a blind eye toward the rise of ISIS in Syria, a claim which the government of Syria strongly denies.

The offense operation was launched on the same day that United States Vice President Joe Biden is supposed to be visiting Syria for a unified strategy which is said to be a climatic question to answer.

ISIS, Turkey