'Game of Thrones' Season 7 News & Rumors: Will Jamie Kill Queen Cersei in Season 7?

For now, rumor has it that the mad queen will either be Cersei Lannister or Daenerys Targaryen. Many fan theories suggest that Danenerys will become the great conqueror but will not be able to rule efficiently and burn the cities in her rage for power. Cersei, on the other hand, has developed quite consistently throughout the show and is on the verge of becoming the biggest anti hero on TV.

Cersei was always depicted as a self-centered, ambitious woman who was fiercely loyal to her children. However, now that her children are out of the way, her ambitions will take the better of her. Does that mean Jaime will have to slay his sister/lover to save King's landing from yet another mad ruler?

In season 6's closing episode, the viewers could see that Jaime was visibly disturbed by Cersei's actions. In fact, previous season also showed him getting somewhat emotionally detached from Cersei.

In season 5, Cersei was seen visiting the witch in the woods, "Maggie, the Frog" who accurately predicted her children's deaths and also her own at the ends of her younger brother. Though it could also mean Tyrion Lannister, but one cannot simply rule out Jamie's possibility of being a queen slayer.

Now it waits to be seen if the Mountain will protect his vicious queen against her younger brother's attack. How many more people will Cersei kill before she falls?

"Game of Thrones," season 7 is scheduled for summer 2017 release.

Cersei Lannister