'The Winds of Winter' Release Date & Update: George RR Martin May Announce the Release Date Soon; A Chapter on ‘GoT’ Season 7 in Book Leaked

According to previous rumors, "The Winds of Winter" was supposed to release at the Worldcon 2016. However, looks like, that isn't going to happen and that the reports were untrue. Martin has already quashed the rumors about the book release at the said event.

Despite Martin's announcement, the fans still continue to throng the event, just to see and meet the celebrity author. Reports claim that "The Winds of Winter" author attracted as many as 7,000 fans, the figure is based on the number of passes sold.

However, when it comes to discussing the progress of the upcoming book, Martin dodges the questions and still remains vague about its release. Previously, there were rumors that Martin will read a chapter on Cersei at the event, but to the disappointment of many fans, there were no free chapters at the event.

Meanwhile, there has been an ongoing gossip that an episode titled "Winds of Winter" in season 7 of the popular HBO adaptation, "Game of Thrones," has leaked. Reports say that season 7 casting call is looking for a lovely lady who will play an important part in the show and will also include "full nudity." These reports have led to the speculations that the lovely lady in question is Euron Greyjoy's lover, Falia Flowers. Flowers has already been mentioned in the Greyjoy chapter that was read by Martin at Balticon.

Game of Thrones