Norway lawmaker hit for playing ‘Pokémon GO’ at plenary hearing

A camera caught a high ranking official in Norway playing "Pokémon GO" while in the middle of middle of foreign affair and defense committee hearing.

Trine Skei Grande, a Liberal Party leader, was caught amid heated plenary discussion on the future of several military bases in Norway.

When asked about her actions, Grande said: "Some of us have heads that listen better when we can do something brain dead on the side."

She added that the politicians in Norway do not possess superior powers like their US counterpart. The hearing was conducted as locals get anxious on the possible closure of this military facility, citing them as the source of their livelihood.

However, she caught the ire of her colleagues, dubbing her action as callous behavior of a senior legislator. She was openly playing the popular game while the plenary was in session.

"It is pure and simple disrespectful to sit and play Pokémon during such a serious hearing," said Halvar Rønneberg, leader of the Progress Party group.

She did not immediately respond to the request for comment after the whole episode. However, she did tell VG News that she stopped playing as other members of the committee felt offended by her actions.

"Pokémon GO" is a popular mobile game developed by Niantic and is affiliated with Nintendo Co Ltd in Japan. Many countries have already imposed a ban on playing the game in office premises.