Strong signal may prove alien's existence

A strong signal, intercepted by Russian radio telescope Ratan-600 from a distance 95 light years away, may prove the existence of life beyond Earth.

The readings were taken last year but were only analyzed today.

According to Seth Shostak, a California-based Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI), the signal-emitting star HD-164595 resembles Earth's own sun. It is a part of the constellation Hercules with a planet the size of Neptune with a 40-day annual rotation.

The news gained global attention through the efforts of Claudio Maccone from the University of Turin, Italy. He has been in attendance when the scientists who recorded the signal on May 2015 gave a presentation.

In the upcoming International Academy of Astronautics meeting on Sept. 27, scientists will push for a permanent monitoring of HD 164595.

According to Douglas Vakoch, an astronomer and president of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI) International, the signal is intriguing because it came from the vicinity of a sun-like star.

Even if it is artificial, the strength is good enough that it was clearly made by a civilization with capabilities beyond those of humankind.

Based on the Kardashev scale, such a civilization will likely be a Type II where harnessing the energy emitted by its star through billions of billions of watts is achieved.

Mankind is Type I level, whereby available energy of the planet, including solar, wind and other fuels are utilized.

HD 164595 is a bit smaller compared to Earth's sun with the same exact metallicity.

With the detection of a Neptune-like planet, the probability that there are other planets orbiting it is very high.