Five Amazing Facts You Didn't Know About Christmas Trees (VIDEO)

It seems impossible to celebrate a holiday like Christmas without the sparkling and magical symbol of a Christmas tree, Yahoo News reported.

In fact this 600-year old tradition is so prominent in modern culture, that polls show 95% of Americans celebrate Christmas even though only half consider it to be a religious holiday.

Here are five amazing facts about Christmas trees that you probably did not know or never thought about:

It all began in 16th century Germany

Beginning in Germany in the 16th century, the use of evergreen trees indoor came to be seen as a symbol of hope and life during this winter holiday. Through the support and efforts of prominent royal families in Europe, the custom has grown and been widely accepted around the world.

In the U.S., the annual lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center in New York City and the annual celebration at the White House have also helped in making the Christmas tree such an important object.

It's a fake tree by a mile

Eighty percent of American homes will have a fake tree this year, up from 79 percent in 2011, according to the American Christmas Tree Association. The people that use the artificial tree have an advantage of using it for almost a decade and saving expenses each year.

But about 22 to 25 million fresh trees will also be purchased by tree lovers. Proponents of the pine tree will argue that natural is better, that the scent is inimitable, and the tradition of selecting just the right tree makes for a timeless annual outing, according to Yahoo News.

Christmas trees are just another crop

The farmers that grow Christmas trees are not all that different from other family farms that raise livestock or grow other crops, and it is often not their primary source of income, according to USDA and other industry data.

Of the 24.5 million live trees sold last year, the NCTA reports that 85% were pre-cut and that only 15% were cut down by the consumer themselves. In addition, more than 100,000 people are employed on over 15,000 different plantations, where as many as three trees get planted for each one that gets harvested, Yahoo News reported.

Home heating equipment is much more dangerous

Highly distributed images of trees bursting into flames, the risk of bringing a flammable shrub into your home, and covering it with electric light have their own risks.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, "Between 2007-2011, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 230 home fires, per year, that started with Christmas trees."

It's a big business no matter which kind you buy

The tree growers estimate annual sales of about $1billion for real trees, versus about $800 million spent annually on artificial trees. The average price of a real tree (~$40) has remained remarkably stable for the past decade. While the average fake tree might cost more upfront, years of re-use will more than offset the additional cost, Yahoo News reported.