'Game of Thrones' News: Jon Snow defeats Daenerys Targaryen in Westeros Elections

The "King of the North", together with running mate Lyanna Mormont, defeated the "Mother of the Dragons" in a 35:32 percent share from over 1.6 million ballots cast.

This after HBO launched "GOT Party" campaign website where fans can vote for their favorite candidate from the "Game of Thrones" fantasy universe.

This is part of the network's agenda to fill the more or less 8-month lull period until the airing of the next, if not the final, season of the most watched "Game of Thrones"

Other candidates in contention to rule Westeros also included Cersei Lannister and Petyr Baelish or "Littlefinger".

Armed with set of platform and campaign ads, each candidate was also provided with their respective running mate, to wit: Daenerys and Tyrion Lannister, Cersei and Qyburn, Petyr and Sansa Star, and Jon and Lyanna.

After four weeks of online voting, Jon (35 percent) slugged it out with Daenerys (32 percent) as Littlefinger came third (31 percent) while Cersie came last with her dismal 2 percent votes.

Game of Thrones, Hbo, Cersei Lannister