‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Spoilers: Two New Leaks, Straight from the Sets of the Show

According to recent reports, one the biggest leaks from the set of "Game of Thrones" is an impending alliance between two powerful characters on the show. Their allegiance to one another can only spell doom for Westeros. These characters enjoy power and will go to any extent to retain that control.

Watchers on the Wall recently reported that Euron Greyjoy will partnet with Cersei Lannister, the queen atop the Iron Throne. Speculation has it that Euron will pledge allegiance to Queen Cersei as his plans to win over Daenerys Targaryen have already been foiled by his niece and nephew, Yara and Theon Greyjoy, respectively. Reports also indicate that upon teaming with Cersei, Euron will also successfully take down one of the Sand Snakes from Dorne.

Another spoiler indicates that Euron's emergence is show's seventh season could be mean bad news for Yara and Theon. The filming this week showed the young Greyjoys in a sea battle which could mean that their vicious uncle caught up with them at the sea and managed to capture one of the two. Since Theon has already witnessed his fair share of captivity, fans speculate that this time it might be Yara.

In another fan theory that may be revealed in season finale, it was rumored that Tyrion Lannister is actually a Targaryen. Fans have seen Tywin Lannister hate his youngest son thought to be because of his deformity. However, theory suggests that Tyrion was Aereys Targaryen and Joanna Lannister's son. Even though it may seem like a far-fetched evidence, but Tywin's last words, "You are no son of mine," makes a lot of sense, in light of this theory.

As far as more evidence is concerned, Tyrion was also able to connect with Daenerys' dragons without getting burnt. In his monologue with the dragons, Tyrion also spoke of his inexplicable affection to them that may seem meaningless to the viewer. However, the book readers know that only Targaryens can practice control over dragons and have a certain affinity to them.