Users report problems with iOS 9.3.5

As with all iOS 9.x releases, the 9.3.5 is designed for iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPad mini, iPad Pro and 5th generation iPod touch. As always, the size of the iOS updates differ significantly on the device which, in this case, typically weighing in between 20 MB to 50 MB.

But iPhone users reported some disturbances since upgrading to OS 9.3.5.

While all of these may be isolated cases, careful approach to the process of using the iOS is definitely a must. Affected sectors will include Apple CarPlay, App updates, volume levels, battery drain, lost calendar appointments and Bluetooth.

It has been noted that, like the previous iOS, the 9.3.4, the recent system provides significant security updates for iPhone or iPad users and is recommended for all users.

The update fixes zero-day exploits that hackers tried to use to remotely hijack an iPhone owned by a human rights activist in the Middle East.

According to The New York Times, the process involves patching up three security vulnerabilities that will be utilized to intercept communications and jailbreak an iPhone effectively.

The statement can be misleading judging from the fact that the 9.3.5 is has nothing much to offer except to straighten out malicious SMS messages.

The entry of the iOS 10 is definitely welcome news but people using the 4S, iPad 2, iPad 3 and 5th generation iPod need to be very careful since an upgrade to the 10 is not possible.

The truth is, the disturbance left in the iOS 9 series is minor. However, it will cause serious problems for the visually-impaired.

The bug corrupts the voice dictation after the VoiceOver is activated. This means that words will be repeated and jumbled. This will definitely be an issue.

The 10 will address bugs remaining in the 9 level but for those who cannot download the new operating system, Apple needs to consider an approach that will somehow eliminate the bug.