Apple’s AirPods: 5 things you need to know

The company's first wireless headphones will be available in Apple stores across Australia in late October. Each pair will cost $229.

The new earphones have surfaced during the launching of the iPhone 7 and the 7 Plus smartphones last Sept. 7. For the first time, fanatics and users have been hit by the reality that the 3.5 millimeter headphone jack is actually gone.

Considering that it supports the conventional and universally-accepted ear pieces, the shock can be translated into a surprise.

According to Philip Schiller, Apple's Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, AirPods are simple and magical to use considering that it connects to all Apple devices simply and seamlessly.

It is necessary that people should know the essentials about the new ear phones in order to fully understand its impact.

Primarily, AirPods automatically turn on and off as well as connect naturally when an Apple watch, iPad, iPod, iPhone or Mac is nearby. Automatic sensors are immediately in play as soon as the units are placed on the ears.

Second, double tapping the Pods activate Siri which is essential for volume adjustments, song selections, making calls or getting directions.

Third, the charging case doubles as a portable charger which provides a 24-hour extended listening time. A quick 15-minute battery boost gives the phones around three hours of listening usage.

Fourth, the entry of AirPods has been intended to accommodate Apple products within the iPhone 5-range and those that run on the new iOS 10.

Fifth, the wireless ear set is powered by the W1 chip which allows dual optical sensors and accelerometers to activate a beam-forming microphone when the user speaks. One big upside of the new ear piece is the way it connects to Apple devices. It takes about three seconds and one button tap to set up.

Schiller has pointed out that the change towards a wireless ear bud is bigger than commercialism.

The AirPods come with a lightning connector, a change that will unhelpfully preclude users from charging their phones at the same time they talk or listen to music.

The Senior Vice President adds that the reason to move on is simply about courage.