Star Wars Rouge One Plot Spoilers: Details about the Plot,Who are the Rebels and the Father of Jyn Erso Revealed !

Everything about Star Wars seems to really make a hit, even in our previous reports about Star Wars Episode 8

Now, all thanks to the prequel novel Rogue One: Catalyst which revealed an important part of Rogue One: Star Wars Story we now know who is the father of Jyn Erso in the most awaited Star Wars Story.

A book description from Stitch Kingdom confirmed that the father of Jyn Erso , played by Felicity Jones, is none other than Galen Erso, played by Mads Mikkelsen, who made the Death Star alive again.

Galen Erso is a devoted scientist who spends his time researching about an important element of energy. His character is also a former friend of Orson Krennic, played by Ben Mendelsohn, in the Rouge One: Star Wars Story who plays as an antagonist in the story.

The story of Rogue One: Catalyst, Jyn Erso, and her parents fell in Krennic after Galen saved them all. The next part of the story will exhibit that fact that Galen was forced to research on energy which will make Krennic's plans come to life.

As reported by Wired , chances are this same type of plot might also occur on Rogue One: Star Wars Story. The possibility of Jyn Erso's betrayal on the Rebel's side is most likely to happen as it is also said that Jyn's father would play a huge part in her decision to just get the plans for the Death Star and move on to the other side of the realm.

On the other hand, Jones mentioned about Rogue One: Star Wars Story during her promotion of the movie A Monster Calls. The actress hinted that the characters' brawl to seize the empire, she said " I think you'll love all the rebels. Because they're flawed. They've all had histories; they've all had their struggles, and feel like people are going to champion them and fall in love with them."

The Rebels include Chirrut Imwe, played by Donnie Yen, Saw Gerrera , by Forest Whitaker, Baz Malbus (Jiang Wen) , Bodhi Rook ( Riz Ahmed) and so much more.

Rogue One: Star Wars Story will premiere on December 18

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