Vikings Season 4 Episode 11 Spoilers, Air Date, News Update:Ragnar on a new revenge plot against Rollo?

As the exact air date of Vikings Season 4, Episode 11 was finalized, fans are becoming much enthusiastic about what the latest show has to offer including a new plot scheme of Ragnar for Rollo.

Recent reports have been mentioning about a lost of an important character for Vikings Season 4 Episode 11 News has it that a new plot against Rollo is being brewed by Ragnar to make all of his plots succeed.

According to GameNGuide as the first part of Vikings Season 4 has ended rather tragically for Ragnar, he will make sure to come back with a revengeful for Rollo as the season's part 2 premieres. However, reports have it that the plot for the second part of Vikings Season 4 would include a time wrap which would present Ragnar arriving on Kattegat which technically means that he would have no time for his rumored revenge. Ragnar will be occupied with his errands with King Ecbert of Wessex and Lagertha is also expected to bring more trouble for the coming season of Vikings. Meanwhile, Rollo will seem to remain untouched and would increasingly prosper in Vikings Season 4 Part 2.

On the other hand, it said that the upcoming season of the would not deviate far from its historical roots, which include Rollo becoming a Christian after his the daughter of Count Berenger and become the very first ruler of Normandy; leading a productive life of ancestry for the British Royal Family.

Vikings Season 4 Episode 11 will probably return without Ragnar's revenge plot; reports also have it that the second part of the season will lessen its story about Ragnar and his lineage.

Vikings Season 4 Part 2 will be released on November 30 in a new timeslot.

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