'Trial by combat' lawyer is back, now on case to regain horses in New York

No, he ain't Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne. His client is not Tyrion Lannister of the Games of Thrones. He is a New York attorney who is known to settle lawsuit through "trial by combat".

He is lawyer Richard Luthman. He vows to move heaven and Earth just to get back what the city of New York took from his client -two horses.

Luthman, an avid fan of HBO's "Game of Thrones", has returned to the limelight with his client Tod (Doc) Mishler.

The 80-year-old Mishler was facing animal cruelty charges after he forced his exhausted and sore ridden horses, Hope II and Charity, to cross over Outerbridge Crossing to Staten Island last June.

In August, he rejected a plea deal offered by the Staten Island District Attorney preventing him from possessing his horses for two years.

Mishler hired Luthman in his attempt to drop the charges and reposes his horses.

Luthman pointed out that the arrest of his client June was illegal saying it's legal to ride horses on New York roads and that prior to the automobile it was all horses.

In a report, the New York Daily quoted Mishler claiming that he was riding cross-country to raise money and awareness for childhood hunger and promote a Christian community in upstate New York.

To recall, Luthman hit the headlines in August 2015 when he sought "trial by combat" to resolve a dispute alleging that he helped a former client fraudulently transfer assets.

Last March, Supreme Court Justice Philip Minardo issued a decision that the case would not be resolved through medieval violence. He however agree with Luthmann that in theory, the court had the power to sanction a trial by combat.

The devoted "Game of Thrones" fan said that apart from bringing his case in court, he is much more ready for physical rumble, and much more willing to gain victory through a "trial by combat".

Game of Thrones