Jailbreaking Apple’s iOS 10.0.1

Rumors of a jailbreaking tool for iOS 10 have already circulated across the internet in the wake of Apple's anticipated release of its newest operating system for mobile devices. While nothing has been confirmed so far by hacking groups, the jailbreaking community is looking forward for the mechanism necessary to crack iPhones and iPads.

Along with the release of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus last September 7, the finalized version of iOS 10 has also been made available to registered developers. Currently, the system can be downloaded through Apple's beta program. Meanwhile, the jailbreaking community needs to acquire a tool for the system to get their devices to run Cydia. However, only Apple gadgets with A7 chipsets or higher can support iOS 10.

In July this year, the Chinese hacking unit Pangu has shown a mechanism for the iOS 9.3.2 and the 9.3.3 jailbreaks. However, Apple has been constantly repulsing those hacks with timely iOS updates. In the case of the iOS 10, the tech giant is likely to install a new line up depending on how Pangu will unveil its last card.

It must be considered that along the way, Pangu has already been working on an earlier version of the iOS 10 beta which means that a lot of progress has already been made since then. Since the hackers have been able to crack the operating system, it will just be a matter of time that another tweak will allow a jailbreaking process to proceed.

The current tussle between Apple and Pangu may have resulted in a complication. In order to repel the intrusions of the Chinese group, Tim Cook's team has confused observers with the Golden Master edition. It has been revealed during the iPhone 7 launching that iOS 10 is technically 10.0.1.

In the process of jailbreaking Apple's operating system, it is necessary to install trusted certificates on the iPod, the iPhone or the iPad. The installation of a pre-jailbreak application will be a prelude to accessing the iOS 10 or 10.0.1. All users who installed the app will get an email from TaiG9 or pre-jailbreak teams when the TaiG9 full jailbreak tool is ready for the iOS.
