NASA blamed for hiding facts on sun-orbiting UFO

There are numerous UFO sightings in 2016 and the latest discovery of a UFO orbiting around Earth suggested that there is no end to it. A group of alien hunters and UFO enthusiasts claimed to have found evidence of yet another NASA cover up.

UFO enthusiasts claimed to have spotted a giant UFO circling Earth, in an attempt to use soak up some energy from the Earth's star, according to Sputnik News.

This is not the first time that something extraterrestrial has been observed or captured in a photograph or a footage released by NASA. However, the space agency continues to make no comments on the sightings to explain what it could actually be.

Now, alien hunters argue that NASA, in not giving an explanation about anything weird observed in space, is itself an evidence that it is trying to cover up about alien life. A YouTube video uploaded by a UFO enthusiast named Streetcap1 shows that the strange UFO spotted around the sun has four giant arms.

Streetcap1 further claimed that the UFO was observed on two different cameras and that it is not some form of coronal mass ejection (CME) from the sun. The photo of the strange object encircling Earth was first captured by the cameras aboard Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).

SOHO orbits around the sun to transmit real-time data to Earth about the activity of its star. The same data is used by the researchers on Earth to make prediction about the phenomena that can potentially interrupt the satellite systems on Earth, including meteor showers and CMEs.

This is not the only thing that the alien hunters are concerned about. According to Morning Ledger, some of them even believe that there is a giant ball, 100 times of the size of the Earth, surrounding the Earth and soaking up its energy.

The video, uploaded on YouTube, shows that something extraterrestrial is sapping energy from the sun before drifting away. Conspiracy theorists believe that these are not normal beams that may be coming from the sun, but something out of this world.

The following video talks about the giant ball trapping the energy of the sun:

Conspiracy therory, Nasa, Aliens