Alien snake spotted on Mars, fuels rumors of life's existence on red planet

An intriguing discovery has been made by Mars anomaly researchers about the red planet. A huge alien snake, which can be also described as a worm-like creature, has been spotted moving on the rocks of Mars. As the discovery made it to the media circles, the theories about life's existence on the planet have caught steam.

In a video uploaded on YouTube, Tyler Glockner announced to the world that Secureteam10 has a new discovery at hand that could be a snake or snake-like creature, reports Inquisitr. Glockner declared that the snake-like creature is the latest of several bizarre discoveries made by alien hunters in the last few years.

The researchers also claimed that there is enough evidence to prove that higher life forms are present on the planet. According to researcher Andrew Basiago's official blog post, Mars' surface is swarming with higher life forms and his claims are not new. In the past too, other scientists and researchers have said that the Martian surface has the potential to support life and diverse life forms might have existed on it.

A photo from NASA called PIA10214, which was captured by Mars Exploration Rover Spirit in 2007, was extensively examined by Basiago and it revealed a very interesting detail. Basiago found the figure of a human female, jutting from the edge of a plateau. Though it was dismissed as a rock formation produced due to the action of wind and water, the Mars anomaly research community believed that it was a fossilized remain of a humanoid.

Now the latest discovery has convinced them even more about Martian life forms. Even NASA scientists, who were skeptic about these advanced life forms, have slowly begun to accept that the red planet supported diverse advanced life. Recently, it admitted to the evidence of flowing liquid water on Mars. The scientists of the space organization also acknowledged the discovery of atomic oxygen.

However, there is a small section of skeptics out there that is still not convinced and thinks that the snake is just a rock formation. Well, till any conclusive evidence comes out, the jury cannot be out on the topic but there is no denying the fact that the discovery has piqued the interest of alien aficionados and scientists.

Nasa, Red Planet