Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Fire on board or pilot’s suicide?

The latest findings on the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 gives way for two possibilities: fire on the cockpit or suicide of the pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah. The two recent discoveries provides idea for these theories. The first is that some debris were found off the coast of Reunion Island, Mozambique, Mauritius, and South Africa. The second is the fact that the airplane wing was found in the coast of Tanzania.

While these two discoveries offer very thin possibilities, it led to various speculations. The airplane wing found in the coast of Tanzania showed that it was not deployed before the airplane hit the ocean; rather, it looked like it was retracted due to the friction it had against the sea. This will support the suspicion that the airplane was rerouted and crashed on purpose.

According to the Daily Mail, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was broken-hearted due to an unsuccessful relationship at the time the incident occurred. Two women are the possible causes of his heartache - one is a married friend Fatima Fardi and the other is his wife Faizah Hanun.

The report further told that Captain Shah was messaging Fatima Fardi about a personal matter before the disappearance of MH370. That looked to be much of a serious thing, and it was also believed that Captain Shah and his wife were already separated although they still stay in the same abode.

These stories can be a cause that Captain Shah would kill himself together with all the passengers and crews.

The discovery of the other five plane debris in the coast of Madagascar suggested another story. Two of the said debris was burnt. These pieces were handed over to Blaine Gibson. He is an American lawyer-turned adventurer who is now looking for some clues to answer the mysterious disappearance of MH370 through the locals of Madagascar.

The debris, in the meantime, has yet to be confirmed if it belongs to the lost plane. But if the investigation is positive then it would incline in favor of the possibility that a fire occurred in the plain rather than Captain Shah having committed suicide.

MH370, Plane crash, Madagascar