UFO Sighting 2016: Alien ship sucking Sun’s energy resource; NASA on ‘no comments’ mode about videos

NASA has been in the middle of several controversies for covering up information about UFO and alien life. A recent image captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) shows a massive object near the Sun, but again, NASA chooses to remain mum on the matter.

This year has truly been the year of UFO sighting as at numerous instances and places eye-witnesses spotted UFO all over the world. According to earlier reports, UFOs were spotted in Washington as well as in France by eye witnesses.

Now, a recent photo has surfaced that was taken by the SOHO and the photo shows a massive object around the Sun, which is reported to be an alien spacecraft. It is being speculated by UFO enthusiasts that the spacecraft is possibly draining the Sun's energy resource to multiply their crafts. However, another section of alien life enthusiasts feels that the spacecraft so just fuelling itself with the solar energy.

Notably, NASA has not commented and it is speculated that it is the space agency's attempt in covering up the facts about the existence of UFO.

Reports also claim that this has not happened for the first time. Earlier this year, on Jan. 25, a spacecraft was seen near the Sun and a video footage of the same was shared on Youtube. Reportedly, the object, which was spherical in shape, was 100 times the size of Earth and it appeared to suck energy from the Sun before it moved away.

It must be mentioned here that earlier this month, NASA canceled its live stream from the ISS in an attempt to cover up something terrible. Experts suggested that it was due to the increased UFO sightings around the ISS that led NASA to take such a decision. Moreover, with the numerous UFO sightings taking place, it really seems that NASA is hiding some facts about UFOs, its existence and space crafts entering the atmosphere of Earth.

UFO sightings, Nasa, UFO