Game of Thrones Spoilers, Updates, Prequel : George RR Martin teases on possible 'Game of Thrones' prequel that focuses on Targaryens, dragons

Good news for Game of Thrones fans. George RR Martin have suggestions for the series' spin-off!

"I do have thousands of pages of fake history of everything that led up to Game of Thrones, so there's a lot of material there and I'm writing more," Martin told Deadline on Sunday at the Emmys.

The author of "A Song of Ice and Fire", which the phenomenal TV series Game of Thrones is based from, hinted that he would be happy do to the prequel.

With only two remaining seasons, fans are saddened as the show nears its end. TV audiences, however, might get lucky if HBO considers creating a new Westeros-set series based on prequel novellas of Martin.

Here are the possible spin-offs of the series:

1. The Tale of Dunk and Egg

This is an ongoing series of novellas that Martin wrote as a prequel to ASOIF and happened eighty-nine years before the events of the main novel. It related the story of the hedge knight Ser Duncan the Tall, who would become a legendary member of the Kingsguard, and his squire Egg, who is Game of Thrones' Maester Aemon younger brother and who will also become King Aegon V Targaryen of Westeros.

Before Maester Aemon's death, he was often shown in the series having dreams about Egg. He talked fondly about his brother, so it would be quite nice to see the graceful youth that the two had shared. Another thing to look forward to, if this ever materialized in the small screen, is the moment Aemon advised his younger brother to "Kill the boy" the same way he did to Jon Snow.

That would be quite nostalgic, don't you think?

2. The Dance of the Dragons

When this hits small screens, "The Dance of the Dragons" would surely take the audiences into a visual treat. This features the massive battle between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her half-brother Aegon II over the Iron Throne. Martin described this epic battle, where brother fought brother, Targaryen fought Targaryen, and dragon fought dragon, as the most destructive in the history of the Seven Kingdom - the War of the Five Kings would not even compare.

Unlike Game of Thrones, where the Targaryens are lead to their extinctions. These spin-offs would show an abundance of not just the Targaryen bloodline but also dragons. It would be great to see a flock of white-haired and purple-eyed Targaryens riding off with their dragons.

The audiences then, would have a glimpse of "Fire and Blood" and realize that the tagline befits the house.


Whilst these spin-offs remain a possibility, Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and DB Weiss, however, said that they won't be returning to Westeros after the final season airs.

"You might want to ask George about that. It's a great world that George created. I think it's a very rich world, and I'm sure there will other series set in Westeros, but for us, this is it. That's really a question for George," Weiss said.

Whether HBO will consider Martin's suggestion for Game of Thrones, only time can tell. Stay tuned for more updates!

Game of Thrones