Best of 2013: TV’s 10 Most Shocking Moments and Deaths; From Brian Griffin’s Death to the Red Wedding (VIDEOS)

There have been a lot of "OMG" moments this year in television. From "Scandal" to "Game of Thrones" to "Family Guy," 2013 was full of jaw-dropping TV moments. Some caused outrage while others caused tears, but emotions aside this year in television definitely had fans talking and tweeting.

As the year comes to a close HNGN rounded up some of the most shocking and heartbreaking moments from our favorite shows. Take a look at our "OMG" moments and let us know which one caught you completely off guard. WARNING: This article may contain spoilers.

1. Brian Griffin Dies (And Comes Back to Life)

The Nov. 24 episode of "Family Guy" did two things - it left fans completely heartbroken and caused major fan backlash. It's safe to say fans were shocked and unhappy when Brian Griffin, the family pet, was run over and killed by a car. Brian had been a favorite on the show since the first episode in 1999 and fans were less than thrilled when producers decided to kill off the beloved pet. Steve Callaghan, one of the show's producers, told E! Online that the death was brought up during a meeting and they felt it would be a "fun way to shake things up." Boy, where they wrong. Immediately after the episode aired a petition was launched online demanding the show to "Bring Brian Back."

As it turns out the show's producers had no intention of getting rid of Brian indefinitely and revived the character during the Christmas special.

2. Mama Pope is Alive

Gladiators, how shocked were you when it was revealed on "Scandal" that Olivia Pope's mom was alive? Not only was Mama Pope alive but Olivia's father Rowan knew exactly where she was. To add to the confusion Mama Pope escaped Rowan and found her way back to Olivia. Fans of the show know that Olivia really missed her mom so the reunion was sweet - at first. Later on it was revealed that Mama Pope was actually the bad guy and Rowan was simply trying to protect Olivia from the truth (I know we had a hard time believing that too).

3. Joss Carter Shot and Killed

During the Nov. 19 episode of "Person of Interest" fans were shocked when Detective Joss Carter was shot and killed. No one saw the death coming because Joss had FINALLY kissed John Reese. Sadly Joss died moments afterwards in John's arms. At the time, creator John Nolan told TV Line that killing off Joss was a very hard decision but a necessary one to keep the show interesting and to shake things up. Fans didn't necessarily agree with that and threatened not to watch the show anymore.

4. Tara Knowles' Murder

On the Season 6 finale of "Sons of Anarchy," a high, drunk and misinformed Gemma brutally murdered her daughter-in-law Tara. Eli became another victim when he was shot by Juice who wanted to help Gemma cover up the murder and get out of dodge. That left Jax to come home and find his wife's dead body. Creator Kurt Sutter told Yahoo TV that he knew for a long time that Jax and Tara's relationship was going to have a "heart-wrenching and tragic ending."

5. Red John's Big Reveal

On the Nov. 24 episode of "The Mentalist" serial killer Red John was finally revealed as Napa County Sheriff Tom McAllister. The Sheriff was on Patrick Jane's List of Suspects but was the fifth name removed after he was "murdered." During the episode the Sheriff revealed that he was Red John and had faked his own death but in the end was killed by Patrick.

6. Peter Capaldi as 12th Doctor

On Dec. 25 fans of the BBC sci-fi show 'Doctor Who" was introduced to the 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi. They only got a couple minutes glimpse of the new Time Lord, who will make his full debut in the fall 2014 when the series returns. Capaldi replaced Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor.

7. Red Wedding

One of the most gruesome moments on TV would probably have to be the Red Wedding on "Game of Thrones." For those not familiar with the show, the Red Wedding is the name given to a bloody massacre during the War of the Kings arranged by Lord Frey. He wanted to get revenge against King Robb Stark for not fulfilling his marriage promise. During the massacre, King Robb, his pregnant wife Queen Talisa, his mother Lady Catelyn and majority of his men-at-arms and bannermen were all murdered after joining Frey and other guests for a marriage feast and bedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey.

8. The Mother is Finally Revealed

For eight seasons fans of "How I Met Your Mother" have anxiously wanted to know who "The Mother" is. The term refers the woman who would eventually marry Ted and give birth to his children. During the Season 8 finale, the mysterious woman was finally revealed as actress Cristin Milioti. As the episode wrapped fans were tipped to "The Mothers" arrival by the yellow umbrella at the train station. "Hi. One ticket to Farhampton, please," she asked before the season ended.

9. Carol Banished From Prison Camp

There were so many twists and turns on AMC's "The Walking Dead" this season. One shocker was when Rick Grimes decided - without consulting the group - to exile Carol from the prison after she confessed to killing Karen and David. Carol said she did it to protect the group but Rick felt like she couldn't be trusted and he wasn't sure what else Carol was capable of doing in order to "protect" the people she loved. After being exiled Carol pretty much disappeared from the show but producers have promised that she will return. How and when remains a mystery.

10. Matthew Crawley's Shocking Car Accident

In the final minutes of the third season finale of the PBS show "Downton Abbey" Matthew Crawley was killed in a car accident shortly after his wife gave birth to their first child. The death was so shocking that actor Dan Steven (who plays Matthew) apologized to fans on Twitter. The death was shocking and sad but producers were forced to create an exit for the character after Steven decided to leave the show and pursue other opportunities.

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