[VIDEO] NASA to announce 'Surprising Activity' on Jupiter's moon; will it be about alien life?

Next Monday, NASA may join the exciting alien-life 'yes' group, as it has announced that it will call a press briefing, at 14:00 ET (19:00 GMT). The conference will be broadcast on a live video stream.

It will disclose "evidence of surprising activity" on Jupiter's fourth-largest moon, Europa, showing images taken by Hubble space telescope.

So what would the announcement be all about? Will it report on the appearance of little, green humanoids? Or big red monsters?

Maybe---if scientists have spotted any. But the data with us is not so exciting. The disclosure would be mainly based on images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope and could talk about the subsurface ocean on Europa, said NASA. Most experts believe that the scientists will dwell on spumes of water. If they are connected to the subsurface water, they could even help to locate life.

The announcement says: "Astronomers will present results from a unique Europa observing campaign that resulted in surprising evidence of activity that may be related to the presence of a subsurface ocean on Europa."

Yet, Jupiter's moon, Europa, has got everyone excited. It is one planet that has a subterranean ocean with a chemical composition similar to the Earth's. It is 500 million miles from the sun, but its atmosphere seems to be ambient for life.

However, do not go over the moon---or Europa----with excitement. You should still not raise your hopes of extra-terrestrial evidence. The agency's Twitter account has disabused all such hope, with this sentence:

"Monday, we'll announce new findings from Jupiter's moon Europa. Spoiler alert: NOT aliens:"

Perhaps NASA is playing a trick on you? Maybe it is just joking? Perhaps. Just hope that it is lying to rib you.

YouTube/GeoBeats News

Europa, Nasa, Hubble space telescope
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