New Sperm Donor App Allows you to a Choose Racially Apt Father for your Child

London Sperm Bank Donors is a latest in the market that allows mothers to filter the list of potential fathers based on hair color, eye color, nationality and even race. This new app, controversially known as the "Order a Daddy" app, can also set up an alert to notify you when the sperm you require becomes available.

If a user wants a certain kind of donor or is interested in a particular donor, they can use the app to sift through a list of potential fathers. If they find the one they like, users can simply click on "find out more" and learn more about the potential father like their medical history, personality traits etc. The users can also pick one based on profession such as law, medicine, engineer, doctor, finance etc.

While this certainly seems very convenient for any woman to find the perfect donor, it does come at a very hefty price tag. To get the sperm sample, users will be required to make a payment of £950 through the app, before being sent to the fertility clinic.

Even though the app meets all the requirements of IVF regulator's guidelines, it is still being heavily criticized for belittling parenthood. Some even go so far as to call it reproduction via mobile phone.

However, Dr. Kamal Ahuja, scientific director of the London Sperm Bank, in his defense said that this is just like any other transaction we make online. Through this app, a woman gets the privacy of her home and the freedom to choose at her own time the donor she wants. It also gives her greater control over the father of the child. He explains that this is one of a kind and a phenomenal concept.